Easy monitoring for bash scripts.

Unlike other hosted monitoring systems, PushMon is designed to receive signals from bash scripts. All you need is to call a URL on success. If we do not receive the URL “ping” by the time specified, you will receive an alert.

Start monitoring your bash scripts in 10 minutes. It’s that easy!


    PushMon keeps you updated on the status of your bash scripts.

    Manage your PushMon URLs in your account dashboard. The dashboard works on your computer, smartphone or tablet.


    Get notified by email, GoogleTalk, IFTTT, and Twitter if your bash scripts are not running as expected.

    Phone, SMS, URL Notifications

    For critical system, get notified by SMS or phone call. Easy integration and customization with URL alerts.

    Comprehensive Schedules

    Support for day, weekday, weekend, endOfMonth, hour, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 6 hours, 12 hours, Mon-Sun, 1st-31st schedules, multiples and ranges. Daily schedules can be checked on the time you specify.

    • I have been waiting for a long time for a service like this. All I wanted is to make sure my bash scripts are running. Before PushMon, if my scripts didn't run on schedule, we won't know until someone manually checks.

      - Bienvenido David, TeamEXtension

    • Pushmon is a necessary part of offering our service and helped us recover from issues before they affected our customer.

      - Jim Niemann, QSAccess

    Push Automation

    Accessing the PushMon URL on a regular schedule is easy and convenient. You can create a simple bash script to call the URL, schedule it in cron and your done!

    set -e # if command fails, exit and do not ping
    curl -L "${urlstring}"

    App Market Places for PushMon

    PushMon is available on several Market Places as a Software-as-a-Service. If you like PushMon, give us a thumbs up by submitting a review!

    Make sure your bash scripts are running smoothly.

    Bash scripts that run regularly in the background are often unmonitored or it send emails regardless of success or failure. This makes it hard for you to notice when things go wrong. Make sure your bash scripts execute as expected, even if you don't have access to your servers. Make sure your bash scripts run on time and are running as expected. Make sure your hourly scripts are running continuously. Get notified when they don't.

    Making sure that your bash scripts are running fine is easy to do. Just create a PushMon URL and call that URL on the schedule you specify. If we don't hear from you, you will hear from us. We have sample code to get you started quickly.

    Companies who benefit from using PushMon services