When using the “every day” schedule, most people will think that they will get an alert as soon as a ping has been skipped. For example, say you have some cron job that runs every 3 AM: Ping #1: 01/01/2013 3:00 AM GMT Ping #2: 01/02/2013 3:00 AM GMT Ping #3: 01/03/2013 3:00 AM GMT # no ping #4, cron … Read More
Release 1.9
* Support for DST. For existing schedules, please edit and pick the appropriate time zone if you want DST support. * Gtalk and Yahoo not connected fix. * Gtalk and Yahoo accepts friend requests every 3 hours. * Added trigger date in Twitter alert. * Internal validation updates. * Internal admin delete account.
Release 1.8
* Added View Account. * iOS 6 fix. * Using alert type icons in Dashboard. * Display previous ping in Up Alert. * Added date in Twitter Alert to make it unique. * Web notification boxes. * Fixed issue with password validation. * Using HTML5 input text types. * Alert emails now have high priority. * Free plan now has … Read More
Release 1.7
* SSL support. * Alert on Demand for paid plans. * Personalized sample code. * pingWithin is no longer 1 minute less. * Added server validation. * Added apple-touch-icon. * Invite code removal. * Added internal monthly reports. * Added internal API.
Release 1.6
* Alert history. * “every 10 minutes” support for paid plans. * Brute-force prevention. * pingWithin is now 1 minute less. * Code cleanup and deployment enhancements.
Power Issue
The power plug to our dedicated server came loose and the server was down for about 30 minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Server Move Completed
The server is back online. It was down for less than 30 minutes. Please note that you might get false alerts if you tried to ping PushMon during this downtime. We are sorry for the inconvenience .
Server Move
We have an unexpected network configuration change so the server is down at the moment. We are in the process of getting it up and running again. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Release 1.5
Optimized thread count. Yahoo! and Google Talk login retry logic. Support HEAD ping requests. tooRecent error now returns a HTTP 403. Minor changes to chart peaks. Minor content changes. Added system administration tools.
Release 1.4
Ping History and Charts in user TimeZone. Added tooRecent message on URL ping. The smallest interval you can ping your PushMon URL is every 60 seconds.